Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Got a message from Steve Kott at Good Day Books in Tokyo that the box of books sent out on Friday had already arrived on his Wednesday. Such a surprise that they got there so quickly. So you Tokyoites can now thumb through my books before buying. Do check out the home page of where there is a link to Good Day Books with excellent guides on how to get there from wherever you are.

That the books arrived so quickly comforts me with the thought that I can get Taking Tanka Home copies there (perhaps) as easily. At this point the book is still deep in the innards of Lulu being corrected - or digested - or I think I had better leave this metaphor alone now.

Finished Lynx today also. So I am able to breath more deeply now.

Saw the first Monarch butterfly of our summer autumn.

the dry stubble field
the empitness
with butterflies ringing
hay harvested and stored

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